Wednesday, September 28, 2011


He's falling, drowning deeper and deeper into the sorrow filled darkness. A hand reaches up for him, he grabs a hold, he feels a feeling he's never felt before.His heart is full, he feels the warmth she has given him. He feels himself raising up back to light,but then she lets go.He falls further and further quicker.He then see's more hands grabbing and reaching for him, he holds on to them, but instead of them pulling him up he's pulling them down.

He makes the only choice he feels to save those around him, he lets go.As he falls deeper and deeper his face is full of tears, soaked from the heartache and trials that have dragged him down, he once again see's her hand reaching out for him, the feeling this time is warm, but its concern as well, he lets go.He continues to fall, she watches as he sinks.There's nothing more she can do to help him, she's tried but he's just let go. 

He continues to fall, with no end in sight, he can no longer see anything reaching for him, he's fallen so deep that everything around him is just dark.Sorrow, hate, regret,resentment fill his heart.As he tries to make his way back up through capsules of "happiness" they don't raise him up, they just keep him afloat.His heart is breaking, his soul is slowing dying, he holds on to the memories of what brought him above the sea of sorrow.They work as his raft as he makes his way through the vast nothingness of this sorrow.

He's close to giving in, close to just letting himself fall all the way down,something is tugging at him to stay above he can hear the voices cry out for him needing his help,needing his strength.He questions if he has any left, if his strength is worth anything, he falls further,slowly,he is tired, he is beaten, he is without resolution.


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