Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The reactions to my actions

yesterday was one of the scariest days of my life, I went out with a friend to a bar, and it turns out one of my sister's ex's friends were there, I didn't pay any attention to him I was trying to get over all of the bad choices I've made recently, as we were leaving, we seemed to be getting followed, turned out it seems he called some friends and they joined him there, before I knew it I was in another fight, outnumbered I chose to run.

My friend didn't make it too far so I went back to help him, once I tried to help him I was stabbed in my knee, I fell to the ground and was repeatedly kick in the ribs and back they left my friend alone long enough for him to call the police, someone heard the commotion and scared the guys away by yelling. By then I had blacked out, I woke up on a stretcher on my way to the hospital.

I didn't have them call anyone from my house because its not going to help anyone to know this situation, I spent all night in the hospital, and was released an hour ago, my knee still hurts as does my side, seeing as how I have three broken ribs. I know this is all my fault for the bad choices I started to make the first time I went over to my sister's ex and gave into my rage.

I thought I was going to die last night, my friend filled out a police report as I didn't get a good look at the guys, I know there was at least 6 of them. There is a reaction to every negative action I choose, this is probably the biggest one ever, things are really bad right now, in more ways than one.

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