Saturday, September 10, 2011

Making changes for the better

My other sister came over, and brought my niece and nephew, my other nephew (my oldest sister's son) brought his son (my great nephew, god that makes me feel old.) and we kicked off my mom's birthday weekend, tomorrow is the day, and hopefully I can get the guys at #Trinitymugen to sing happy birthday if she's here when I get home from work (my sisters usually take her out, and I do something with her when she comes back).

I secluded myself in my own stuff, mainly I hate to say it.... Mugen.Now, after being with her, I want that again now, I don't want to go back to how I was for a LONG time, thats why my progress with mugen has slowed down, I have been kinda trying to work my way up to asking out a girl I work with, I have no idea if she'd go out with me or not, I always feel sorta bad because I don't have a car,(one of the many reasons I loved being with my ex, didn't have to worry about this!) But I'm not gonna let that stop me.

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