Thursday, September 1, 2011

Creating my own sunshine

I wish I would've seen this on my own, I've been told so by all sorts of people but it didn't seem to sink in till now I don't know why, but I know I can only make myself want to be happy, there are people who help me stay happy and me worrying about making them happy is not going to make me feel any better.

I need to be happy whether it be by myself or with someone (Hopefully its still with someone) I'm done doubting myself and what I can do for me, I am just going to face it I am not a boy, I don't need anyone to hold my hand through this, I need to learn to make my own happiness, so I can share that with the others I care and love in my life.

From here on out, I am done feeling sad and sorry for myself and this situation I will make the best of what I have, and what I have is not bad, Lisa if you read this, I promise even if we don't stay together that I'll make myself happy, but honestly I'd rather be happy and stay with you, if you'll keep me.

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