Friday, September 2, 2011

First day

I'm going to keep writing in here to get my head clear, today was rough, spending all day with her, she's so out of it most of the time, and talking to her is like talking to a little kid at times, she's slow to respond and repeats herself like she's in her own world.

It hurts me so much to see this, but its just the process of what's going on, and how she deals with it, her birthday is a week from sunday, yes 9-11, I know right? My mom has other diseases as well (HIV and diabetes) so you see why this is just like really even harder, its like she can't catch a fucking break, I just get mad and cry when I think of it, its not fair.

I'm not worried about how I feel right now, all my focus is her, I have to go now, as she's spending way too much time sitting on the toilet, I hope she hasn't fallen asleep there.

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