Monday, September 19, 2011

Unburied memories

well last night I had a pleasant dream about my ex, I don't know where it came from, as I haven't really talked to her since my incident with my sister's ex's friends,but the dream was nice, we were on a beach just staring at the ocean nothing else there, just engulfed in the vastness of it all. I lay my head on her lap, she caresses my head with her hand, she tells me "It'll all work out in the end" that's all that's said, I sit and gaze into the endless depths of this ocean, I can see a wave getting bigger and bigger, it's coming at us, But she smiles the wave comes and we're unharmed.

I wake up, I don't know what to think from this dream,I woke up and wasn't depressed about the news I had heard the day before, I found myself waking up and marching forward, maybe it means no matter how big the waves get or how much you feel you may drown, they'll pass in time, and you'll be fine if you have faith in yourself in those around you. I guess that's what it meant.

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