Saturday, October 8, 2011

My Eulogy to my mother

My mom, she was one helluva lady.She wasn't the best mom, she wasn't the funnest mom, but she was MY mom, and she loved us.She was such a strong willed person, and you'd better think twice about going into a debate with her because 9 times out of 10 you would lose although 9 times out of 10 she was wrong. She would go to the ends of the earth for her children and grandchildren. She may have criticized us for choices we make but its only to help us go down the right path.

No matter how much shit I gave her, or how angry me or my sisters got at her, she always thought the world of us, she believed in me more than I ever believed in myself. She was always my biggest supporter, my biggest fan, my best friend at times.

She could be at times a whirlwind of emotions and crazy, but I wouldn't have her any other way, to me that was my mom, she didn't take no shit from anyone and she stood up for what she believed in. Even when she was wrong. I could remember back in 2nd grade, I was being bullied at school and my principle did nothing to stop it, my mother decided no one was going to hurt her son and get away with it, so with a recorder in hand, she marched down to my school to give the principle a piece of her mind.

I remember when she came home and told us about it, I listened to the voice recorder and all we could hear was the sounds of her walking to the school with a determined walk by the time she got there the recorder's batteries had died. I remember me and my sisters laughing at this just another one of her funny stories. All be it the next day I wasn't bullied anymore and the principle apologized to me.

That was the kind of mother she was,she'd go to any length to help us, she was so strong, she did her best to raise 3 kids, and later a 4th kid, my sister's son,  who was basically like her other son,she raised us all,and with little help from my father. Always eager to show us off to her friends, my sisters and I at times, would get irritated at the fact she would talk about us to her friends how it was "none of their business" but now I understand that she was so proud of us for who we are that she wanted to let others know.

I wish she got to live to see me give her grandchildren, or get married, at least I was able to fall in love and tell her about it, she liked her from what I told of her,she was happy that she was able to have me grow closer to her because of my ex, and she always told me to tell her thank you for that.

She was taken before her time, but I know she's up there making new friends and telling her stories as well as spreading the word about how proud she is of her kids, and we are just as proud as you are of us Mommy, you will always be in my heart forever and Always.


Your son, Randolph wyatt "Junebuggy" Adkins

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