Friday, October 21, 2011

in a situation I shouldn't have put myself in

Over the last few weeks I've been using my neighbor as a means of forgetting about all the shit that has gone on, it usually just consists of us getting drunk and doing it, this week she's gotten a lot more close to me, and I don't want to be with her like that but I also kinda still enjoy doing the "things" we do. I am a little worried now that something else might be up

one, she might be getting feelings for me, which isn't going to be good, because it was only supposed to be a thing on the side, she broke up with her boyfriend for good a month ago, I actually messed around with her before when they were on a break or something.Two, (god I hope this isn't true) she might be pregnant, she's been texting me more and we even had a talk about how cute our babies would be if had some, I am in no position right now to have kids, I don't have feelings for her other than lust, and thats because it keeps my mind off all the impending doom that is looming over me.

It's my own fault though I put myself here and I have to get myself out, but I hate confrontations.The last one I had ended up breaking my own heart when I lost the first girl I loved, they always end bad, and someone ends up crying.

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