Friday, November 11, 2011


I started to think back about the summer the other day, when a song came on that reminded me of my ex, I've gotten over her, over the anger I had for her taking me back and then leaving me, I've gotten over the sadness of losing the love she shinned into my heart, the sadness of losing a very strong and special women.I've gotten over regrets, regretting not doing more, not doing something different, I just look at the good times we had, staying up all night talking about whatever was on our minds. Her yelling at me for me not hearing her completely. Her kicking my ass in video games.

I shared more with her than I have with some of my closest friends I have now, and I won't ever forget it,I'll cherish every good moment I ever had with her, she'll always hold a special place in my heart. She is after all my very first love, and I couldn't have asked for a better first. Thank you for letting me into your heart, and sharing your memories with me, I will remember it always.

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