Thursday, October 29, 2020

finding another way

 So this year has been rough for us all, Every year seems rough for me in some capacity or another, but this year has made me want to do less than I've ever wanted to do. I don't have any motivation to continue things I've started ages ago and I don't know if I'll get it back.  I want to write more and not about my boring life. I want to be able to make people feel something and enjoy something that I've done. Writing has always been my biggest outlet to get things off my chest, but what if it's biggest tool to finally be apart of this world? 

overly dramatic I know, that's my M.O. just have to get super serious about everything I have to do. I love to write though and it's been cathartic to write my emotions and feelings here, even if I sometimes regret some of the things I say afterwards (like my stupid post before this) at the time it feels good to get things off my chest. I can't open up to people like this because there's not too many people I can talk to. 

maybe writing about some of my fears will help me overcome them, help me figure out what I can do or should do. And maybe it is my calling. I won't know until I really try, so I think I'm finally ready to take that step. 

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